Living out of a suitcase

- Prvú kávu si dám až o pol ôsmej večer.
- Zabudnem, že som zabudla povedať kamoškám úplne zabitú story.
- Po troch mesiacoch opäť doma a ja večer pri víne s rodičmi nemôžem kvôli kope práce zaklapnúť noťas.
- Prejde týždeň bez toho, aby som si vypočula jedinú pesničku z môjho Discover Weekly.
S týmto pocitom som sa včera vrátila do Kodane, po tour de Praha - Bratislava - južné Slovensko - Liptov - Tatry - Krakow - Berlin, aby som sa na dva týžne pootužovala na severskom slnku a hurá ďalej, tentokrát do Španielska!
A ako aprílujete vy?
How do I recognize, I'm totally slammed by self-inflicted the work?
- I have my first coffee of the day at 7.30 pm.
- I forget to tell my friends a super cool story which happend now already a week ago.
- After three months of not being at home, I can't stop working while sipping an after-dinner wine with my parents.
- Whole week passes without me listening to even one single song in my Discover Weekly.
With these feelings I came back to Copenhagen yesterday, after my tour de Prague - Bratislava - southern Slovakia - northern Slovakia - Krakow - Berlin, to enjoy the crispy Scandinavian sun for two weeks, and then hurray to Spain!
And what about you? What are you looking forward to in April?
top and dress: H&M Studio SS17 // bomber: H&M Trend // bag: BACK // sneakers: Nike
pics by: Kamila Shíbalová
pics by: Kamila Shíbalová

You are looking gorgeous in this outfits