
H&M x Kenzo : Why is it uncool?


Pamätáte si ešte niekto na H&M x Kenzo kolekciu z minulého novembra? Vlna obrovského hype-u sa začala dvíhať približne mesiac pred uvedením kolekcie do obchodov a každý, kto bol aspoň trochu cool, mal fotku v Kenzo oblečení, kto bol veľmi cool, mal aj dve. Českí, slovenskí, dánski ...influenceri bez ohľadu na štátnu príslušnosť, vek či pohlavie, všetci boli v tejto veci za jedno - H&M x Kenzo je proste najviac.

Does anyone still remember the latest H&M x Kenzo collection? It has been hyped enormously since October and everyone cool have been posting pics wearing pieces from the collection. Danish, Czech and also Slovak influencers - everybody was at it - H&M x Kenzo is just awesome!

Since I know these special H&M collabs are always a huge thing in Prague and people go literally crazy about them, I was curious how it looks like here in Denmark. I've heard myths about in a queue get paper bands in different colors, depeneding on the time they arrived and determining the time they're allowed to enter the shop, where they have 10 minutes to look through the collection and are allowed to buy one single thing. If they want more, they're welcome to queue up again for another shot. Only to make sure everyone has an equal chance to buy a piece from collection. You know, the Danish model. As you might have guessed, I just could't miss this social experiment, purely because of the scientific reasons, of course.

On the day D, I've arrived 45 mins before the opening of the store. Very wisely, I've chosen the store in a shopping mall--I won't be freezing outside just to pursue my scientific curiosity! (that's another story, I'll tell you next time).

A couple of kids have already been camping in front of the shop, but besides that, all quiet on the H&M front. I was looking at shop assistants through the shop window while they were making selfies with the new collection, thinking about going for a coffee. People started gathering quickly, coming one after another and joining the queue. Just before the opening of the store, there were around 40 people, including a significant amount of elderly ladies. A bit unusual feeling, as if I was waiting for dicounted goods at Lidl, but very pleasant on the other hand--nice to see, how many older people are into fashion here. (That is if I can call the H&M x Kenzo collection fashion.)

And then, finally the store opened. The queue moved peacefully in. I've been walking around the racks for about half an hour, shopped for some basics, and went home. No shopping-bullying or fights between customers, as you might have already guessed (was a bit dissapinted by that, I've read a lot about it on the UK blogs before).

But I've realized one thing.
To post a pic on the day of a collection launch is not cool at all. I mean, on that day, everyone can have it. By posting it, you're just saying you were not cool enough to post it before the collection launch. While wearing a polyester tiger-patterned coat with blue faux fur and golden plastic buttons before the great launch is kinda status symbol, posting one after that is just a demonstration of a trumpery style and giving in to H&M marketing. And nobody is proud of that.

But ehm.. what about you? Have you bought anything?

PS: I need to add, that quality of these H&M x Kenzo tees is amazing. Much better than what I'm used to at H&M (and much better then e.g. Ganni tees). High quality cotton, the white one is not translucent at all, and the label says Conscious. I'm happy!

Keďže viem, že v Prahe býva o špeciálne kolekcie H&M doslova boj, rozhodla som sa zistiť, ako to majú Dáni. Počula som chýry o rôznych modeloch rovnosti aplikovaných na rad záujemcov o nákup, že.. každý pri príchode do radu dostane náramok určitej farby, podľa času kedy prišiel, a môže stráviť v obchode 10 minút pričom si môže kúpiť jednu jedinú vec a potom sa môže postaviť zas do radu, aby sa na každého dostalo, takže som sa čisto z vedeckých dôvodov rozhodla ísť to skúsiť na vlastnej koži.

V deň D som dorazila asi 45 minút pred otvorením predajne.
Dômyselne som si vybrala predajňu v obchodnom centre, nebudem predsa mrznúť v novembri vonku kvôli dákym handrám (lol no o tom niekedy inokedy). Váľalo sa tam pár detí na dlážke pred spustenými dverami predajne a inak kľud, bola som asi ôsma v poradí. Sledovala som predavačky cez výklad, ako si fotia selfíčka s kolekciou a premýšlala, či si skočím po kafé. Postupne pribúdali ľudia, na moje milé prekvapenie veľa z nich v dôchodkovom veku.
Divný pocit, ako keby som stála v rade na Lidl, ale i príjemný zároveň, že i starší ľudia tu žijú módou, teda ak tak môžem túto Kenzo kolekciu nazvať.

Asi už tušíte, že žiadna šikana ohľadom nákupov, merania času strávenom v obchode, počtu kusov sa nekonala. Trochu sklamaná, že som nevidela žiadne trhanie oblečenia z rúk (ako sa písalo na rôznych UK blogoch), ponevierala som sa vnútri asi pol hodinu, nakúpila pár vecí pre seba aj pre môjho muža a šla.

V ten istý deň som si ale uvedomila jednu vec.
Postnúť nakúpené veci v deň uvedenia kolekcie (nedajbože neskôr) je sakra necool. Rovnako ako ísť v tom vonku na verejnosť. Po uvedení kolekcie ju už môžu mať všetci. Každá socka. Kým pred uvedením je polyesterový kabáť s tigrovanou modrou kožusinou a pozlatenými plastovými gombíkmi akýsi status symbol, po nej, už len prejav nevkusu a podľahnutia marketingu H&M (ibaže by to bol niekoho skutočný štýl a kabát skutočne vynosí atď atď, potom ok). A tým sa nikto nechce chváliť.

A vy čo, kúpili ste si niečo?

PS. tých pár basic kúskov, ktoré som nakúpila, majú na H&M skutočne nevídanú kvalitu. Pevná bavlna, že vraj i Conscious, vraví visačka. Som spokojná.

t-shirt: H&M // coat: & Other Stories // jeans: Weekday // boots: Vagabond // bag: Bimba y Lola

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