


"V dnešnom článku som si pre vás pripravila niečo, o čo ste si hooodně psaly a tak som sa ho rozhodla pre vás napísať."

Haha, actually, napísala mi jedna dievčina, či by som nenapísala Shopping guide pre Kodaň ale vždy som chcela použiť tú zázračnú formulku Petry LovelyHair.
Niežeby som si nevedela predstaviť to množstvo dotazov typu natoč hento, natoč tamto, urob vlog, natoč tutoriál ako nainstalovať Pokémon Go (true story, bohužiaľ), ktoré jej musí chodiť a vôbec jej to nezávidím. Len tá hláška už takmer zľudovela a nemohla si ju odpustiť :D

Okej, takže dosť bolo rečí, poďme na to.

Proces môjho zblíženia sa s dánskou ponukou obchodov by som zhrnula do 3 štádií:

Some of you, guys have requested a Shopping Guide for Copenhagen, soo this iiit - my ultimate shopping guide and a mix of my feelings from shopping in Copenhagen, because, and you won't believe this, it's not that straightforward.

But enough of chit-chat, let's delve right into to the topic.

The history of my relationship with shopping in Denmark could be divided into 3 stages:

1. Shock

In case you're not from another minimalist Scandinavian country, this will certainly happen. Because Danish minimalism is not just about pure lines of contemporary interiors, black, white and in the most eccentric moments a pastel shade of latte brown. It's also about (un)availability of goods and minimal number of sales on these goods. Long story short, there's very little variety of goods available here, and it's fucking expensive.

I was, for example, quite surprised that there are no such brands and shops like Drogerie Markt, Rossmann, Pupa, KIKO, NYX (except for those few leftovers in Matas, but not a single store), not even Yves Rocher here. You can find two drugstores, Matas and Normal, in Denmark.

Matas is basically a mixture of high-street drugstore with high-end goods and pharmacy. By high-street goods I mean brands such as Rimmel, Maybelline, L'Oreal, Max Factor, Essie, Oppi -- but everything about 20-40% more expensive than in central Europe and Germany. Actually, drugstore products and chemistry is so expensive here compared to neighboring countries that even my German friends always bring washing powder and other basic drug store items by car from their homes.

I don't know much about Normal, to be honest. After I've realized they're selling those high-end brands dupes like W7 and MakeUp Revolution, I don't shop there.

As for fashion, there is no point in looking for usual and popular chains like Mango, Lindex, Bershka, Pull & Bear or Stradivarius.

Also, don't expect a wide assortment of goods in groceries. Except for marmalades and whole grain bread departments, there are ..more or less three brands and types from each product. Three flavours of yogurts, few dark chocolate bars, a lot of supersweet bakery goods - and everything expensive as hell. I believe that every Danish flag on the package adds another 10 krone to the price. Unfortunately, I cannot see any exceptional quality of these goods. I mean, a package of Lipton tea bags for 40 kr? Are you kidding me?

Frankly, last time I went to Slovakia I was really excited about shopping in our groceries and drugstores, and I'll tell you guys, that means something, because I have never been excited about groceries shopping before coming to Denmark.

1. Šok

Pokiaľ nepochádzate z inej minimalistickej škandinávskej krajiny, toto zákonite nastane. Pretože dánsky minimalizmus nie je len o čistote línii a neutrálnosti farieb, nie veru. On je hlavne o (ne)dostupnosti značiek a minimálnych zľavách na tieto značky.

Poviem vám príklad. V Dánsku nie je DM, ani Rossmann, ani Pupa, ani KIKO, ani NYX (iba v niektorých Matasoch po pár kúskoch), ani Yves Rocher. Samostatné drogérky máte tak nejak dve, Matas a Normal.
Matas je vlastne mix drogérky, parfumky a lekárne a nájdete tu značky ako Rimmel, Maybelline, L'Oreál, Max Factor, Essie, Oppi, všetko asi tak o 20% až 30% drahšie ako v ČR a SR. O porovnaní s Nemeckom ani nehovorím. Kamošky Nemky si nosia z domova aj prací prášok.
A o Normale veľa neviem, úplne sa mi znechutil tým, že tam predávajú napodobeniny high-end značiek od W7 alebo MakeUp Revolution.

Čo sa týka fashion, nie je tu väčšina chainov s lacným oblečením ako Mango, Lindex, Bershka, Pull & Bear, Stradivarius. V potravinách sa širokej ponuky tiež nedočkáte. Okrem oddelenia lekvárov a celozrenných chlebov, sú tak tri druhy zo všetkého. Tri druhy jogurtov, pár horkých čokolad, kopec presladeného pečiva a všetko je pomerne drahé. A dánske. Podľa mňa sa za každú dánsku vlajočku na obale pripláca minimálne 10 krone.
V kvalite až taký rozdiel nevidím, ako v cene. Akože Lipton čaj za 40 krone?? Za 160 czk?? Are you kiddin me?

Poviem to takto, naposledy som sa normálne tešila, ako doma na Slovensku zájdem do potravín a drogérky a čo si všetko pokúpim.

2. Akceptácia

Tak tu proste nakupovať nebudete. Povedzme si úprimne, aj tak máte kozmetických blbostí dosť a nový rúž od Rimmelu vám netreba. Trochu viac si priplatíte a môžete si kúpiť rovno niečo v Sephore. Ale ani to vám netreba, lebo zákonite nemáte po ceste do práce či domov ani jednu z tých dvoch Sephor, ktoré tu sú.

Do chainov vám tiež chodiť netreba, aj tak tam predávajú samé šunty. V širšom centre sú presne dve Zary, 10 H&Miek, a pár tých Veromod a takých tých značiek, ktoré fičia na Zoote, no v živote ste o nich nepočuli a ani vám to nechýba.

Jediné, čo vám skutočne chýba, sú tie lepšie potraviny, ale proste budete jesť furt to isté dookola, dánske jahody, dánske čučoriedky, dánsky jogurt a dánske špagety na tisíc spôsobov.

2. Acceptance

So you won't be shopping here much. Let's be honest, you don't really need anything, do you? Another lipstick? We all know you have a pile of lipsticks at home already. Or you pay a bit more and get some of the high-end stuff at Sephora, because at least these aren't so much more expensive than at home.

You also don't need to shop in chains--they're selling low quality products for cheap prices anyway. In the wider centre of Copenhagen, there are two Zara's, 10 H&M's, and many Danish chains like Vero Moda and a couple of other brands you have never heard of, and, frankly, you haven't missed much.

The only thing you will constantly long for is a good groceries shop with wide variety of goods. But yeah, you'll be eating the same økologisk stuff again and again .. danske jordbær, danske blåbær, danskvand, danske kartoffel and spaghetti.

3. Objavovanie

Pretože Dáni nepotrebujú španielske chainy, oni majú vlastné značky. V Magasin du Nord na Kongens Nytorv nájdete po kope Fillipu K, Designers Remix, Acne, Wood Wood, Won Hundred, Ganni, Mads Nørgaard, Samsøe & Samsøe, Envie (a tiez malinký kútik Mango, ale to ani nerátam, nič tam poriadne tam nikdy nemajú).
Všetky spomenuté značky sú celkom drahé, čo má za dôsledok to, že sa vám COS alebo & Other Stories zdajú byť razom oveľa príjemnejšia nákupná destinácia. V zľavách sa dostávajú ceny na úroveň okolo 200 - 300 krone, a to je jak zadarmo (aspoň tak to tam dánske kobylky prezlečené za ženy v jednej sekunde všetko spasú).

Na najľudnatejšej centrálnej ulici Strøget vás zo známych chainov možno zaujme Urban Outfiters a Weekday. Ja tam mám osobne ešte rada Mads Nørgaard, ktorý okrem ich vlastnej značky ponúka aj iných designérov ako Stine Goya, Comme des Garçons, Henrika Vibskova či vintage Levi's. Samotný Vibskov má svoj butik na Krystalgade ale ak máte šťastie, nájdete blízko Streetfoodu na Papieroen výpredaj jeho starších kolekcíí v jednej z garáží.
Za nakuknutie tiež stoja dizajnové obchody Kyoto alebo Donn ya Doll (ponúka napr. aj veľmi conscious novozélandskú značku Kow Tow) na Istedgade, Storm na Store Regnegade či HAY House s dizajnovymi doplnkami do domácnosti na Østergade alebo Playtype™ Concept Store na Værnedamsvej.

Takých malých concept storov nájdete po Kodani roztrúsených mraky. Na jednej strane super, na druhej strane všade ponúkajú z každej značky máličko, a to vás môže pekne sr..hnevať.

Nemožno mi nespomenúť dánske blšáky, po dánsky loppemarkeds. Dáni ich milujú. Obchoduje sa tam s bársčím, od oblečenia, doplnky, po vintage veci a rodinné fotografie. Často sa odohrávajú vo vnútroblokoch domov, kedy do brány obyvatelia umiestnia veľkú šípku v smere dovnútra, že ste vítaní nahliadnuť do ich starožitností, alebo organizovane na väčších plochách, ako naprílad pri Meatpacking districte alebo na Isreals Plads (kde budem mimochodom predávať 21.8. tiež, stavte sa, ak budete mať cestu okolo!)

Čo sa týka beauty ponuky, oceňujem Marca Jacobsa, Kat von D a Sleek v Sephorách. Nemajú ale klubové karty a toľko zliav ako v ČR. O jediných špeciálnych ponukách, pričom ide väčšinou o miniatúru k nákupu dvoch vecí od jednej značky, sa dozviete z tabuľky za pokladňou, kam sa jednak musíte najprv dotrepať, lebo tieto ponuky nie sú súčasťou newslettera, a jednak vám to trvá chvíľu, než to z tej dánčiny preložíte, takže to čo? Áno, suuuucks.

Ďalšia vec, ktorá sucks, sú predavačky v Illum Sephore - maximálne nepríjemné. Raz nám s Nat (@littlegemblog) zle nablokovali nákup, zabudli dať produkt, ktorý mal byť zadarmo, inokedy mi odmietli zameniť riasenky TF na jej vodeodolnú verziu bezprostredne po zaplatení (lebo tabuľu som bohužiaľ skôr neprečítala a zajačia tvárenka chodila zdarma len k vodeodolenej riasenke) a všeobecne je každý kontakt s miestnym personálom ako za trest.

Ak hľadáte Urban Decay, jediný stánok nájdete už v spomínanom Magasine. Celkovo tam vyzdvihujem beauty ponuku na prízemí. Majú i veľa bio kozmetiky, značky ako Caudalie, Burt's Bees, veľký sortiment vlasovej kozmetiky, ale všetko je drahšie ako kdekoľvek inde.

3. Exploring

Danes maybe don't have those ubiquitous Spanish chains, because they don't need that. They have many own designer brands with Scandi spirit (such hyggelig! much fashion! amaze).

A perfect place to explore a few of them at one place is Magasin du Nord at Kongens Nytorv where you can find Fillipa K, Designers Remix, Acne, Wood Wood, Won Hundred, Ganni, Mads Nørgaard, Samsøe & Samsøe, Envie (and also a tiny corner with Mango, but it's so tiny and they have basically nothing there, so I don't even count it).

All of the mentioned brands are on the pricey side, which makes you reconsider otherwise expensive Swedish chains like COS and & Other Stories and suddenly they seem to be a nice and affordable choice where to spend your money.
I'd also like to point out Urban Outfitters and Weekday shops at the most crowded central street Strøget, but the one I personally like the most is Mads Nørgaard store -- selling many other designers like Stine Goya, Henrik Vibskov, Comme des Garçons or vintage Levi's besides their own brand.

You can find a similar vibe of a concept store at Vibskov's boutique at Krystalgade, but if you're lucky, you can find his irregular pop-up Sample Sale in one of garages at Papirøen near Street Food.

Speaking about concept stores, there are really many of them in the greater centre of Copenhagen. The ones surely deserving your visits are Kyoto or Donn ya Doll (offers also my beloved and nowhere available 100% certified fair trade organic cotton clothing brand Kowtow from New Zeland) at Istedgade, Storm at Store Regnegade, interior design store HAY at Østergade, or Playtype™ Concept Store at Værnedamsvej.

You definitely cannot miss Danish flea markets called loppemarkeds in Danish. Danes love them and you will love them too - if not for the stuff being sold there, then surely for the atmosphere. You can really buy (or sell) everything at these, and they take place at many different spots around Copenhagen - from small backyards of apartment houses organized by few neighbours, which can only be noticed by spotting a DIY sign at the gate, to large agency organized loppemarkeds with a lot of bloggers and fashion aficionados, for example at Meatpacking district or Isreals Plads (btw. there will be one on Aug 21st and I'll be there selling out my closet so feel free to stop by, if you have time :P)

Speaking about beauty products available here, I appreciate Marc Jacobs, Kat von D and Sleek at Sephora. Unfortunately, there is no club card or any other loyalty program here, and also not so many special offers and sales as in Czechia.

The only special offers I've noticed here are about getting a miniature with your purchase - but this is usually written directly at the store behind the cashiers, so you need to go to Sephora first (there are two of them here) and translate the text of the offer from Danish and that what? Yes, suuucks.
Personally, I find the staff at Sephora Illum sucks even more. From mistakes on the bill, not getting a gift which I should have been given, to refusing to exchange a TF mascara for a waterproof one (because I've only read at cashier right after my purchase, that TF bunny blush comes only with the waterproof mascara) - everything happens here!

And also, don't look for Urban Decay here, it's available only at already mentioned Magasin du Nord.
I must really give some credit to the beauty offer in Magasin anyway. Some of the products there are more expensive than at Sephora, but I appreciate that they have brands like M.A.C, Bobby Brown and wide assortment of bio and hair product.

Tak či onak, Dánsko je úplne iný trh, na aký som bola doteraz zvyknutá. Niečo ma baví, niečo nie. V zásade kupujem menej vecí a miniem viac peňazí. Ale tak čo sa dá robiť, každá krajina to má inak.

Aká je vaša najobľúbenejšia nákupná destinácia a kde naopak nič, po čom vám srde piští, nezoženiete?

One way or another, Danish market is completely different from what I expected it to be, and to what I was used to in Prague. I do enjoy some things here, other ones not so much. In fact, I shop less and spend more money. Maybe this is also a part of Danish lifestyle.

But anyway, what's yours fav shopping destination and where have you been disappointed?
top, jacket : H&M SS16 Studio // shorts : H&M Conscious Exclusive // shoes: & Other Stories // sunnies: H&M x Anna Dello Russo

1 comment

  1. Ale zase jsme za ty nepříjemnosti v Sephoře dostaly vzoreček tělového krému! :D :D mi se hodně líbil ten Magasin, byl tam fakt zajímavý výběr a líbila se mi ta sleva pro turisty... ale jinak už se těším, až přijedeš a půjdeme se podívat do M&S a do DM <3
